Tloskov chateau

Tloskov 1, 257 56 Neveklov - Tloskov

Style of architecture Baroque

The original fortress was rebuilt into a simple Baroque chateau at the beginning of the 18th century. It was then extensively rebuilt and modified in the 1930s under the Portales. Today you would find the Tloskov Social Services Centre in the castle grounds.

Originally a Renaissance chateau from the 16th century, Tloskov was built by expanding the fortress, after 1670 it was rebuilt in Baroque style. The development of the building was completed by a neo-Baroque transformation in the first half of the 20th century. The castle has undergone many repairs and reconstructions throughout its history. In 1943, Tloskov was taken by the German occupation administration and Oskar Daněk received the replacement castle Jemniště, taken away from the Czech count family of Sternberg. From 1945 to 1947, Tloskov was a home for young inventors. In 1948 the castle was assigned to the Dereda and Umění lidu cooperative from Aš. Puppets and toys were produced here. Afterwards, for more than two years, it was the seat of a military non-commissioned officers' school. From 1957, the castle was empty until 1 November 1959, when it was assigned to the Social Welfare Institute for Children and Youth. At the turn of the 21st century, the premises underwent extensive reconstruction and modernisation.


Tloskov 1, 257 56 Neveklov - Tloskov
GPS: 49,75938266°N 14,52568195°E